
UI11: Program Shaping Up

by Jared Spool

This will be the eleventh year we’ve held the User Interface Conference and, based on what I’m seeing for presentations, I think it’s going to be our best. The event will be back in our favorite stomping ground, Cambridge, MA, from October 9 – 12.

For those of you beginning to make plans, we intend to have our “sneak preview” site up in a few weeks. This will let you see the preliminary program and register at an exceptionally low price. If you’re on our UIEtips newsletter list, you’ll hear about it before anyone else.

Last year, several of the sessions sold out. The way things have been going, we expect that to be even more likely this year. In fact, it’s possible the entire event could sell out by late summer.

So, for those of you who need a long time to get approval, now is the time to start laying the groundwork.