
SpoolCast: Making Data Engaging: A Talk with the New York Times Interactive Design Team

by Jared Spool

SpoolCast: Making Data Engaging: A Talk with the New York Times Interactive Design Team
Recorded: December 11th, 2007 from the studios at UIE.
Brian Christiansen, UIE Podcast Producer
Duration: 24m | File size: 13MB
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Today’s podcast features a fascinating conversation I had with New York Times graphic journalists, Andrew DeVigal and Steve Duenes.

Andrew and Steve are part of the team responsible for taking data and raw information from the day’s news and turning it into highly interactive and informative online experiences.

For example, the team built the NYTimes Debate Analyzer, a tool to explore the presidential debates. Readers can see how frequently a specific term, such as “health care” or “iraq”, is mentioned by each candidate. They can scroll to a specific answer in the transcript and the video automatically plays that section, bringing an entire new way to experience the debates.

NYTimes Debate Analyzer

In this discussion, we also examined some of the’s other amazing interactive graphics and multimedia applications, including:

I think you’ll enjoy my conversation with Steve and Andrew. You’ll learn a great deal about the their journalistic techniques for building for successful interactive online experiences.

I’m also greatly anticipating their presentation this March at our Web App Summit in San Diego, California. They will present the talk, Engaging an Audience: Using Out-of-the-Box Thinking to Create Great Designs.