
Wrestling with Big Data? Join us for Data Visualizations
that Pack a Punch

by Adam Churchill

Later this month, Brian Suda presents our next virtual seminar, Data Visualizations that Pack a Punch and will show you just how powerful great data visualizations can be!

Brian’s work with companies such as PriceWaterhouseCoopers is defining just how powerful great data visualizations can be—especially when they’re tied to marketing or social-media campaigns aimed at raising awareness, conveying meaning, and getting users to interact.

You’ll want to attend this seminar if you:

  1. Work for a company that sits on vast amounts of data—but spends entirely too much time making static images rather than interactive tools
  2. Want to learn some tools and coding techniques for creating data visualizations
    that are the opposite of boring
  3. Have mapped data or created visualizations that aren’t being looked at,
    used, or appreciated

Learn more about Brian’s August 22 seminar