
UIEtips: Multi-Device Adaptation vs. Optimization

by Jared Spool

In this week’s UIEtips, we revisit an article about multi-device adaptation vs. optimization. Luke Wroblewski uses a great analogy of how responsive design and optimization relates to taking a trip and packing appropriately.

Here’s an excerpt from the article:

If you don’t exactly know what you’re getting into, it’s difficult to arrive 100% prepared. Instead, you come ready for many situations and adapt to what you find when you get there.

As a simple example, imagine you are packing for a trip but don’t know what the weather is going to be like at your destination. You’ll probably bring some options for when it’s cold and hot. Better yet, you’ll pack layers. When you arrive, you can simply add or remove layers based on the actual weather conditions waiting for you. You didn’t pack just what you needed, but you’re comfortable and up for anything because you can adapt.

Read the article: Multi-Device Adaptation vs. Optimization

How do you adapt and/or optimize multi-device designs? Tell us about it below.