
UIETips: Some Thoughts on “Designing in the Browser”

by Jared Spool

In this week’s UIEtips, we print an article from Stephen Hay. He shows what “designing in the browser” really means and how he implements it.

Here’s an excerpt from the article:

When I speak of designing in the browser, I mean creating browser-based design mockups/comps (I use the terms interchangeably), as opposed to static comps (like the PSDs we’re all used to). So it’s not the design. It’s the visualization of the design—the one you present to stakeholders. It’s not the only deliverable, but it’s the one that’s most important to show in the browser. Before that, I sketch. On paper. Other people I know who “design in the browser” actually use Photoshop. For sketching. But when we say “designing in the browser”, we mean the comp is in the browser.

Read the article: Some Thoughts on “Designing in the Browser

Do you design in the browser? Tell us about it below